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Grass Turning Yellow | Cause And How To Fix It

The fact is, there are many potential reasons why your lawn is turning yellow. Yellow grass is a normal problem, and most remedies are very easy to execute. With a little attention, your yellow grass, wilting the lawn is just a temporary issue.

Your grass turning yellow or brown due to a variety of reasons, such as being sick with a disease, the grass goes dormant, or merely a nutrient deficiency. So what could make your grass turn yellow-brown or dying?
why is my grass turning yellow

Why is My Grass Turning Yellow and Dying – Causes & Solutions

Very common causes of grass turn yellow and start dying in lawns. Many causes, such as lawn maintenance, may contribute to the discoloration of grass blades. And what causes the grass to turn yellow, and how to repair it?


Overwatering causes your grass to have poor root development. Too much water leads to a limited supply of oxygen in the soil due to waterlogging. Your grass will have shallow roots and will suffer from poor uptake of nutrients, oxygen, and even water itself. Overwatering your lawn will also cause fungal diseases and insect infestation.


Too much fertilizer can easily burn your lawn. Under-fertilizing can also lead to yellowing grass because of nutrient deficiencies. Grass has a preferred pH and any variations outside of that will create problems. The most common culprits are iron deficiency and nitrogen deficiency.

The signs of overfertilization include:

  • Yellowing of leaf blades at the base.
  • Browning of grass blades at the top.
  • The slow growth of grass.
  • Fertilizer crust on the soil surface.

Lawn Diseases

Some lawn diseases manifest as yellow to brown patches. Lawn fungus, dollar spot, and other diseases start to show signs of yellowing leaves or undergrowth. Treatment may be necessary to stop the grass discoloring even further.

Nutrient deficiency

A yellow spots in your lawn may be suffering from iron deficiency. One of the signs of nutrient deficiency caused by improper fertilization is yellowing strips and discoloration. The rest of the grass shows signs of deep greening and thicker, faster growth.

Dog Urine Spots

Animal Urine and feces contain a lot of nitrogen and can cause the grass to burn chemically. Urine will even mess with the pH of the soil that your grass is trying to cultivate. You will easily transform the spots green with a patch and fix the seed mixture.

Pest Problems in Your Lawn

Some insects can make your grass yellow and cause it to die by feeding on the roots of the grass beneath the soil. If you have lawn grubs (usually brown spots, not yellow spots) or some other insect, there are ways to deal with the root problem. My recommendation for the management of certain pest problems is to buy and add beneficial nematodes. These little worms are going to hunt for you and kill parasites in your soil.

How to Turn Yellow Grass Green Fast

As soon as you notice yellow spots and streaks on grass, you should start mitigation measures.

Reseed urine spots

Sometimes, dog urine spots do not grow back especially when you take too much time before applying a dog urine neutralizer. You might want to follow the pet in the yard and apply a neutralizer immediately after he pees.

Adjust your watering routine

Only water your lawn when the two inches of topsoil is dry. Most lawns benefit when you water them 2-3 times a week. St Augustine grass turning yellow could be a sign of fungal infection and water-logging. Talk to a lawn care expert to advise you on the proper care routine for St. Augustine grass. If this causes yellow spots, reduce the frequency to 1 or 2 times only.

Fertilize your lawn when needed

If your lawn is turning yellow after fertilization, it means that you have used too much fertilizer. You can remedy this by slowing down the applications or by using a slow-release fertilizer. Plant fertilizers with a strong nitrogen content may not destroy the lawn even though you ignore the directions on the label. Conduct a soil test to assess what mineral is lacking and purchase a fertilizer with the correct amount of NPK.

Treat lawn diseases

Grass diseases hinder the growth of your grass and can cause signs such as cracking and wilting. To keep yellow grass green quicker, treat any fungal infections or other diseases as soon as you see symptoms. Often store fungicides for the care of gray dots, brown patches, and other related diseases.

Mow with sharper blades

Blunt blades hack the leaves of grass, leaving them vulnerable and susceptible to disease. The crowns of your grass will begin to turn yellow. Sharpen your blades and mow at a height marginally lower than the last mow. You may also want to try using a reel mower that allows a smoother cut.

Take the time to determine why your grass is turning yellow, and then take action to fix it. Your lawn is going to be back to the good green color in no time.