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Aeration & Reseeding

An attractive lawn requires a maintenance routine that always includes irrigation, fertilizer app and mowing. Infrequent however important lawn care routines include aeration and reseeding. A heavily trafficked lawn may benefit from annual aeration that allows moisture and surroundings to reach grass roots, when reseeding, or overseeding, floods in bare spots or maybe adds a turf kinds that will stay green during wintertime months. Dethatching is usually executed in conjunction with aeration or overseeding.

Timing Considerations

Aeration is important when damage from major traffic is visible or normal water puddles on or goes off of lawns without breaking through the soil. Aeration ought not to occur during hot warm weather or after pre-emergence herbicides are generally applied. Overseeding is secured when the lawn appears slender but is otherwise balanced or if the existing lawn species is warm-season along with turns brown in the winter, necessitating the incorporation of a cool-season species to maintain a green coloring through winter.


A number of species of turfgrass, including Kentucky bluegrass and zoysiagrass, are specifically prone to thatch buildup. Some sort of thick layer of thatch, grass debris, that kinds between the soil and yard blades makes it difficult intended for moisture and air to attain the grass roots. Machines choices for thatch removal incorporate power rakes and top to bottom mowers, or verticutters. Some sort of vertical mower is best in the event that overseeding is also planned. In which removal debris is raked up before aerating or maybe overseeding.


Soils which has a high clay content or maybe lawn areas subjected to important traffic require more repeated aeration than other turf regions. Aeration, which typically uses dethatching and debris eradication, incorporates removing soil ?il-de-perdrix up to 1/2 inch extensive and 3 to 4 inches serious spaced 4 to 6 inches separated. Thoroughly watering the lawn area a few days before aerating softens the soil besides making it easier to work with. Intended for small areas, a side aerifier often proves satisfactory, but for large areas some sort of piston-driven or roller-type aerifier is far more efficient.


Ahead of overseeding, the turf needs to be mowed short, or no over about an inch excessive, dethatched and aerated. A top-notch dressing with organic subject will improve soil quality. Seedling is sown over basic spots or across the overall lawn at the rate encouraged for the specific grass kinds or cultivar and tamped down or rolled onto ensure that the seed is usually solidly in contact with the land.

Care After Overseeding

A major step fertilizer intended for use in the course of grass seed planting can encourage vigor early. Repeated, light irrigation to keep typically the soil moist but not soaked will encourage turf place. Young grass seedlings are extremely vulnerable to wear, so site visitors on freshly overseeded your lawns should be limited. Mowing is usually acceptable once the new lawn grows at least one-third above the regular mowing height for your species.