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Overseeder Vs . Aerator

If you have a bare patch in a lawn, then is the time for overseeding. Overseeding your lawn help you thicken thin areas, fill bare patches caused by compacted soil, or add new grass.

For the best result, you must use the right tool when overseeding your lawn. In this article, you will learn Overseeder and Aerator, common tool use to overseeding, and its advantage and disadvantage.

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What is different between overseeder and aerator?

Overseeder or slice seeder is a tool that cut thatch layer of grass in a straight line, exposing the dirt below the thatch. See also How To Use Overseeder

Typically, overseeders have some type of vertical mower or dethatcher (or sometimes a spiker or other type of aerator), a hopper to hold seed, a mechanism to deliver the seed to the soil in the correct rate and spacing, and a roller to firm over the turf seedbed. A variety of overseeder designs are available, all intended to establish the all-important seed-to-soil contact.

An aerator pulls finger-sized plugs of dirt out of the lawn to improve drainage and encourage root development. With an aerator, you create a large opening that can help reduce compacted soil.

What is best for seeding?

Use a broadcast spreader to spread the seed over your aerated lawn, then water the area to help the seed fall down into the holes for the best soil-to-seed contact. This method isn't quite as effective for overseeding because much of the seed stays on top of the thatch layer. With slit seeders, more thatch is broke up for largest soil-to-seed contact.

Read Our Aerator Review