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How to Overseed Bermuda With Fescue

If you want your lawn look green all year long, try to mix Bermuda and Fescue. Bermuda is warm season grass that thrive in the heat of midsummer. It make the summer lawn look lush. But Bermuda doesn’t do well in cool weather. The best time of the year for overseeding with fescue is four to six weeks before the first killing frost for your area. To make your lawn green all year, try to mix it by overseed Bermuda with Fescue. Here how to do it

How to Overseed Bermuda With Fescue

  1. Wait until fall, when the weather start turning cooler. The best time from the year for overseeding bermuda with fescue is four to six weeks ahead of the first killing frost for your area. Mow your Bermuda grass low, setting your lawnmower to a height of about 1 inch.
  2. Use a thatch rake to remove each of the dead thatch and to slightly score the top of the soil.
  3. Water the lawn completely, sprinkling for at least 1 hour or till you have put 1 inch of water around the lawn.
  4. Spread your fescue seeds around the lawn making use of a seed spreader to spread them evenly. Use 5 to 10 pounds of seeds per 1,000 square feet of lawn. The more seeds you use, the thicker your fescue lawn will be.
  5. Cover the fescue seeds with 1/4 inch of nitrogen fertilizer (composed manure will work fine) making use of a fertilizer spreader to spread the fertilizer evenly.
  6. Water your lawn a single far more time to dampen the fertilizer along with the seeds. Keep the lawn damp but not soggy until the fescue starts sprouting, in approximately seven to 12 days. Usually do not let the ground dry out entirely till the fescue has grown approximately four inches tall.
  7. Set your mower to 3 inches and mow your fescue lawn 21 days following planting.