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How To Increase Sprinkler Distance

How To Increase Sprinkler Distance

Coming out to a healthy, green lawn in the morning may be something you take pride in as a homeowner. It's almost as if your grass is thanking you for keeping it healthy and watered. However, you may have that one part of your yard where the sprinklers simply aren't reaching, and, like many, you may be wondering what you can do to increase your sprinkler distance. Fortunately, there are several techniques to increase sprinkler distance, so let's have a look at a couple of them below!

Increase the Distance of Your Sprinkler Heads

Stock sprinkler heads are typically adjustable and can be positioned to target certain parts of your lawn. The width of the spray, the radius at which the sprinklers revolve, and the physical distance of the spray itself all change. Each sprinkler head is unique, but the most frequent are the little plastic heads that appear when the system is triggered. These sprinkler heads feature a single outlet at one end that permits high-pressure water to escape. The top of the head may usually be removed, revealing a little screw that can be adjusted.

Is water pressure to blame for your sprinkler distance issues?

To ensure that your sprinklers are reaching their optimum distance, you may need to test your water pressure. If one sprinkler head does not appear to be traveling as far as the others, you may have a clogged line. However, if the entire system falls short of your expectations, you may have a problem with the backflow preventer or simply low water pressure.