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Are leaves good for grass?

Do you have leaves on the ground and aren't sure whether to rake them up or leave them? As we will see, there are two sides to this argument. However, if you want to develop a beautiful lawn, you might wonder are leaves good for grass.

When are leaves good for grass?

Leaves contain natural nutrients and organic materials that, as they degrade, can help your lawn. Some, such as maple leaves, have been found to prevent weed seed germination when mulched into a lawn canopy, while others, such as the honey locust, have been demonstrated to add nitrogen to the soil. Mow the leaves while there is still grass poking through and before they become too thick.

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Are thick layers of leaves good for grass?

The NWF says a dense layer of fallen leaves will "smother a lawn." On the lawn, rake leaves, shred them, and use them as mulch in your planting beds.

Matted leaves hinder sunshine and air from reaching the soil and retain moisture, leading to mold and disease growth.

Try Composting

Composting is the collection of leaves in a pile or storing them in a bin and allowing them to degrade naturally.

It is a good source of fertilizer for gardens and landscaping plants. Bins can be purchased or quickly made from low-cost components. You may also add vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells to help reduce kitchen waste. Just don't add things like meat leftovers, which can stink and attract pests.


If a compost pile isn't an option, try this. You may also shred leaves with a lawnmower and compost them in a location where they will fertilize the grass. All you have to do is roll your mulching mower over the leaves. Although dried leaves are simpler to mulch than wet leaves, mulching leaves (and your grass) and allowing them to degrade can become an important element of your lawn care program.

Leaves that have been mulched keep the soil warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. The nutrients delivered by mulching also minimize the amount and cost of fertilizer required to accomplish spring green-up. Shredded leaves can also be used to mulch perennial flower beds or tilled into garden soil.